"Editorial: Good move": Cartoons as news
Like Spongebob Squarepants, the cartoons we know are funny and are memorable to the point where some children memorize every part of a certain episode. In news however, they also present it in cartoons and these also have humor but talk of a more serious matter. For example, this editorial cartoon by John Gilbert Manantan. President Rodrigo Duterte, or "DU30", is with the vice president Leni Robredo in this cartoon. The cartoon shows the president handing the position to the VP while she accepts it smiling.
News can be presented in cartoons, and those appeal to people, like topics on your everyday activities, prices on the things you buy, the problems present in your environment, and even about politics. These are just some of the topics that are often present in cartoons that are used to relate their cartoons to the people. Sun Star publishes editorial cartoons, often related to politics and in this example, they talk about President Rodrigo Duterte appointing Vice President Leni Robredo as the head of Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council.
The Sun Star website (www.sunstar.com.ph) was put up in October 1996, making it the first philippine community newspaper going online. Their community prescence is so large now that their newspapers can be seen almost anywhere and their brand of journalism makes them a reliable source for information. The news website connects and helps the people develop by providing news and information to the whole community.
Sun Star. Being a reliable news source, their newspapers are everywhere. We can see it everyday but we just can't notice because it's "always been there". Being the news, they present to us the everyday happenings in our community. Their influence is so large that some people even say "Sun Star" instead of "newspaper".
With their websites, their news is even more influential because of our generation. The website is being updated on the news everyday so we can not miss a thing. Editorial cartoons like this one are also used in relaying the news or to gain power over the other news sources. Along with providing news, they also profit from the advertisements that sign up for their newspapers or from the online ads that we ignore on their websites. But, using their influence, they can also project their ideas to us, be it for their own profit or for the sake of getting even more influence because they have succeeded in being a very influential body to the whole community. But influencing the whole community can be a hard thing since not everyone can understand. The use of this cartoon paired with this message may also be misunderstood by certain people.
The cartoon of the president "just handing" the position to the vice president may be a bit more or a bit less of a message to certain people. For the elder or mature, they will see the message through this picture. Being more involved in politics as they are active voters, they know of the events and doings that are related to each person in the government. For the elite, they will also understand the cartoon and the news with it since they are active participants in the flow of the community. Being involved in politics is important to understand this article, because it involves our president, the vice president and her current position. For the children however, who look at the newspapers or website and see the cartoon, may just view it as just a cartoon, nothing more.
The writer paired with the cartoon seems to credit the VP's position to her actions, meeting with the president in Malacanang and even leading the people to support Duterte's administration. The writer implies that Duterte's actions were influenced by the actions of the VP and also the former president Fidel V. Ramos. The news tells us that this position that was given to him by the president will make her be more able to support marginalized sectors on their housings. This news also covers the condition the government is in, stating that given her position, she must now start attending cabinet meetings which could lead both leaders to work together more. The way the cartoon is drawn may also cause a misunderstanding with the audience. For some, the president may look like he handed the position halfheartedly and others may also misunderstand because of the way he was drawn. Others may also take note of how she wore the house as a hat.
The article is bold in saying it's point and this may give a big impact on the people.
This cartoon is not just any cartoon that we should be amused about, because it's concern is our country. We should be involved in politics and we should aim to be more knowledgeable when it comes to what is happening in our government. The cartoon alone can be a very powerful message to the people. Many people are fooled because they are ignorant of a person with a high authority or because they do not know of what is happening in the news.
So now you know that cartoons, like this, are important too. This particular cartoon tells you of the recent actions of the president of our country so you too should be involved in this.
Reference: (http://www.sunstar.com.ph/cebu/opinion/2016/07/07/editorial-good-move-484015)
-Bryann Garcia