Your lie on April is an Anime Series which was aired from October 10, 2014 until March 20, 2015 and was originally a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Naoshi Arakawa then, adapted to a anime series by A-1 Pictures. Your lie on April was a story centered around a boy named Arima Kousie, a young piano prodigy who, after the death of his mother had a mental breakdown and had lost his ability to hear the music that he played. After three years, he meets a free spirited violinist who was the new girlfriend of his best friend. And that violinist who's name was Kaori made her life's mission to rekindle Kousei's lost love in performing music and to change his life forever.
This anime has clearly demonstrated how powerful the anime medium is. From its main theme that focuses in classical music and drama to the detailed character movements from its body to its fingertips while playing or performing. The excellent use of colors in each scene expresses the mood or the emotions of every character.
Your lie in April was delivered as a solid story of youth, love, forgiveness, and letting go that truly dramatizes some aspects but always intend to give a certain message. It is a joy to the senses to anyone who appreciates the series and some who is willing to realistically approach of childhood abuse and the resulting trauma in a positive way and development of characters.
As a Teenager watching this series it was really nice to see how certain people make an impact to someone or somebody in just a short period of time. In just a simple walk, a simple talk, and just seeing someone everyday can make an impact that it can change someone's life and influence them to do things that they don't usually do. I categorized it as a solid and a stand-out romance series that reminds people that some relationship maybe brief but, it can impact someone lives in the way we never knew.
-Aljon Maratas
-Aljon Maratas
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